KASB works hard to ensure that our events, workshops, and training are beneficial and positive experiences for participants and presenters alike. The creation of event policies helps ensure that all parties are treated fairly and in a consistent manner.
You can learn about specific event policies below, but KASB does reserve the right to change policy based on the specific need of an individual event. If you have questions, concerns, or questions about accessibility accommodations, please email KASB at pinpoint@kasb.org.
Send cancellation requests via email to Amanda Rollenhagen at arollenhagen@kasb.org. Telephone requests will not be honored. Exceptions may be made to this policy on a case-by-case basis by KASB.
KASB is a member-driven association; therefore anyone attending events operated by KASB must be a current member, these typically are board members or employees of a member district. The choice to sponsor a person that is not a current board member or employee of the member school district is at the discretion of the school district.