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KASB Policy Services

Policy Services - Helping Districts Remain Efficient, Effective and CompliantMaintain Efficient, Effective & Compliant Policies


Policies are a board's comprehensive statement of guidance that provides oversight and direction for students, district employees, community members, and the board itself. State and federal laws often require boards to adopt written policies. KASB’s Policy Services focus on ensuring district policies are not only legally compliant but also implement what is considered best practice for school boards and districts. Failing to establish or follow district policy may leave your school system and staff exposed to liability.

KASB is proud to offer a range of policy services that customize the experience based on the needs of individual school districts from a one-time policy review and update to a comprehensive policy management and e-meeting subscription package.

Our Policy Services Support Your Every Need

Learn more about KASB’s Policy Services in the dropdowns below, this printable handout, or contact Leslie Garner, KASB Policy Specialist and Legal Coordinator.

  • Policy Lite

    Under 350 FTE: $4,500
    Over 350 FTE: $6,500

    Policy Lite is a one-time review service of your district's existing policies. KASB Policy Services will update and customize the district’s current policies to incorporate local preferences specified in the district questionnaire. A complete board policy manual will be delivered to the district on a Flash Drive. The district will be responsible for updating policies to remain compliant following the one-time service.

  • Policy Plus

    Under 350 FTE: One-time upfront Cost - $1,500 Annual Cost - $1,500
    Over 350 FTE: One-time upfront Cost - $3,000 Annual Cost - $3,000

    Policy Plus is an entry-level annual online policy manual subscription service available in a digital format through BoardBook Manuals – an online service owned by the Texas Association of School Boards.

    KASB Policy Services will update and customize the district’s current policies to incorporate local preferences specified in the district questionnaire. A complete policy manual will be prepared, and upon adoption by the district’s board of education, the policies will be imported and stored on the board’s online subscription platform. Moving forward, when amendments are made, the KASB Policy Service coordinator will update the board’s online manual ensuring continued compliance.

    The online policy manual provides a fully searchable, easy-to-use format by word or phrase that can be viewed from an electronic device with Internet access. Maintaining policies online reduces the number of hard copies needed, staff time associated with changing out pages in the policy manual, and the cost of printing and mailing. Online policies can be updated in a matter of hours rather than days.

  • Policy Premier

    Under 350 FTE: One-time upfront Cost - $4,500 Annual Cost - $4,500
    Over 350 FTE: One-time upfront Cost - $6,000 Annual Cost - $6,000

    Policy Premier is our most comprehensive and automated policy service. Like Policy Plus, the process begins with customizing the district’s current policies to incorporate local preferences specified in the district questionnaire and the KASB Policy Service coordinator importing the approved policy manual to BoardBook paperless software. In addition, the Premier level package provides the district access to online user-friendly paperless board meeting and agenda-building services. Learn more about how BoardBook can simplify your board meetings here.