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Kansans support Kansans Can approach to schools

Posted Date: 07/13/2022

Kansans support Kansans Can approach to schools

Kansans still like “Kansans Can.”

That’s the conclusion of an analysis of thousands of comments from people who attended last year’s Kansans Can Success Tour in 50 cities and towns.

The tour by Kansas Education Commissioner Dr. Randy Watson was a follow-up to the 2015 listening tour that focused on what Kansans thought a successful Kansas high school graduate should be.  

That process produced several areas that the State Board of Education said schools should focus on. Those are kindergarten readiness, individual plans of study, social-emotional growth, civic engagement, academically prepared for postsecondary, high school graduation and postsecondary success.

So, last year Watson and then Deputy Commissioner Brad Neuenswander hit the road to find out if those priorities remained valid. Ninety-three percent of the nearly 3,500 people who attended the tour said they strongly agreed or agreed with the Kansans Can approach to produce successful students.

Kansans Can Success Tour researchers concluded, “Though there were some unique needs shared, overall Kansans reported clear and consistent needs for supporting schools regardless of geographic location, board region and district size.”

When attendees at the tour were asked what supports do schools need, many of the responses called for better pay and professional development for teachers, more student learning opportunities through internships, better engagement with local communities and more collaboration between school districts.