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Kansas school board member elected to national committee

Posted Date: 08/28/2023

Kansas school board member elected to national committee

TinaRae Scott is putting on another public education leadership hat — this time on the national level.

Scott already serves locally as president of the Morris County USD 417 school board, and in November she will affect policies at the state level when she becomes KASB president. In addition, recently, Scott was elected to the NSBA Policy and Resolutions Committee.

“My `why’ is our future and these kids that are in the public school system,” Scott said. “Anything I can do on a national level to serve our state association and continue to serve public education, I am more than willing to do,” she said.

KASB Executive Director Dr. Brian Jordan said, “Kansas continues to have leaders that impact education at the national level. We are proud and excited to have TinaRae serve in this role for NSBA.”

Scott, who has served on the Morris County school board for 10 years, said she was shocked, overwhelmed and honored to be elected to the NSBA committee, which works on federal education issues.

She was nominated at NSBA’s Summer Leadership Institute by Frank Henderson, a longtime education leader in Kansas, who has served as KASB president, NSBA president and on the Seaman USD 345 school board.

Scott and her husband Lancer have three daughters, a 22-year-old who is coaching and working in landscape design; a 17-year-old senior at Council Grove Junior Senior High School, and a 10-year-old fifth grader. Scott works as resource librarian at Council Grove Public Library and the family runs a farm and ranch and livestock trucking company.

Scott said she wants to do as much as she can to help drive student success. “It’s important that we take these opportunities to engage not only our state association but that we are involved as much as possible on the national level for our students,” she said.