Posted Date: 10/26/2021
Guest Blog by Frank Henderson
How many of us have ever thought within the past year, “this is not what I signed up for!”
We have all faced and experienced a multitude of challenges in the last two years. Do we teach in-person, virtual, hybrid? What about wi-fi access, hot spots, devices, cameras, additional meals, meal delivery? Do we use masks? Are we vaccination sites? How do we increase facility sanitation? What is our role in quarantine rules and contact tracing? Then we have unhappy parents, unhappy patrons, unhappy staff, unhappy fellow board members. In my district, USD 345, we grappled with a name change from Fred Seaman, an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. Does it impact our mission, is it relevant 100 years later? My district faces all mentioned issues in addition to a list that can go on, and on, and on, of our district’s challenges. This is no different than any school district in our state.
Despite it all we press on, because we are elected officials, dedicated to the cause of public education. But our dedication can push us to an unhealthy state. School board service can no longer be rewarding or enjoyable. We make decisions which are increasingly difficult. Fear can come in. We can experience physical problems due to stress and anxiety. When the work feels overwhelming or too difficult, I encourage you to work through this self-leadership form.
Know What Fills and Drains Your Tank
On a scale of 1-10 (1= low/10 =high) rate the following:
How would I rate the health of my body? ___
Why? (What symptoms am I experiencing)?
How would I rate the health of my mind? ____
Why? (What symptoms am I experiencing)?
How would I rate the health of my soul (combination of my mind, will and emotions)? ___
Why? (What symptoms am I experiencing)?
What fills my tank?
What drains my tank?
What life-giving activity can I schedule within the next week, or so? When will it be?
Be ready to understand your answers and live out balance in life. Lead out of rest, don’t violate the natural rhythms of life. Find a lightning rod- someone who can listen to and “ground” your negative energy and frustrations. Never neglect a daily focused connection as a source of strength. We need you at your best to lead, serve and advocate for student success.
Frank Henderson is a school board member for Seaman USD 345, KASB Past President, and current President-Elect for NSBA.